Joe Biden vanished for more than a week after his administration’s failed assassination attempt against Donald Trump. When he finally reappeared in a White House video on Wednesday night, everyone was wondering how his face got smashed up. He looked like he had lost an alley fight. The contents of his speech, which was largely impossible to understand because of his slurring, were overshadowed by the obvious bruises that they tried to cover up with a weird orange spray tan.
The more prominent bruise on Biden’s face was along his lower left jaw. The purple bruise appears to be about 3 inches long. Not even heavy layers of spray tan and makeup were able to cover it up.
The second bruise on his upper left eyelid was not as easy to spot. The makeup covered it up better.
The bruises were even more apparent in the pool photos taken by Getty. Joe Biden clearly got his face smashed up on the left side by someone or something during the week when he was incognito. Since the White House brazenly lies about everything, the public is left to wonder why Biden looks like he either took a serious tumble or a serious beating.
This has led to a range of interesting theories. Some believe that the video was AI-generated and that Biden is either dead or still recuperating from a health emergency somewhere. Others believe that he suffered a stroke and smashed the left side of his face on something when he fell.
What do you think? Why does Joe Biden’s face look so bruised and battered in his first public appearance in over a week?
The makeup crew didn’t coverup the bruise on the side of his chin very well, did Joe Biden have a massive fall. pic.twitter.com/M1Sgq0WaAb
— “Mate” (@tigertuffmark) July 25, 2024