CNN’s Jake Tapper Gasped When He Realized the 2020 Election Was Stolen from Trump

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The mainstream media is never going to explore the truth of the 2020 election. They’ll just recite the lines they’ve memorized about the contest like they’re in a cult while never trying to examine the anomaly that led to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris receiving 81 million votes. But after Election Day on November 5, 2024, they all know the truth. They can’t deny it any longer. Wait until you see the exact moment when CNN’s Jake Tapper realizes the ugly truth.

CNN’s John King was showing Tapper how Kamala Harris performed compared to her running mate from four years ago. The shocking answer is that Kamala only outperformed Joe Biden by 0 to 3% in 58 counties in America. She received fewer votes than Biden everywhere else.

That’s not exactly an accurate statement, however. Harris performed approximately the same as Joe Biden in 2020. The difference this year was that roughly 15 to 20 million fraudulent mail-in ballots were not inserted into the system on Kamala’s behalf.

If you look at the Democrat candidates’ popular vote totals on a graph, Barack Obama received about 66 million votes in 2012. Hillary Clinton received around 66 million votes in 2016. Kamala Harris has received about 70 million votes so far in the count this year.

Yet in 2020, Joe Biden had this huge spike of 81 million votes. It’s undeniable what happened. Everyone knows what happened. Mass mail-in ballot harvesting allowed them to cheat and steal the election from Donald Trump. There was no COVID excuse this year and Kamala didn’t benefit from the same level of cheating that Biden did.

Watch the exact moment as the scales fall off Jake Tapper’s eyes and he realizes that Donald Trump was right all along about the stolen 2020 election: