Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) never misses a chance to make an outrageous claim, does she? Now, she’s accusing Donald Trump and Elon Musk of mocking the working class. Yes, because apparently, Trump handing out burgers at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s and Musk giving away a million bucks a day to boost voter turnout is an insult to hardworking Americans. You have to wonder, does she really believe this stuff or is it just another attempt to grab headlines?
Ocasio-Cortez’s comments came after Trump’s visit to a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania, where he served food to his supporters. This was supposedly a dig at Vice President Kamala Harris, who had claimed she worked at McDonald’s in her youth—an assertion that’s about as believable as anything else that comes out of her mouth. But that’s not enough for AOC, who is determined to twist Trump’s McDonald’s run into an act of mockery against working-class people. Maybe she forgot that a lot of Americans actually appreciate fast food, and don’t need a lecture from her on how they should feel about it.
Then there’s Elon Musk, who’s apparently the villain of the week because he’s offering to give away $1 million a day to random people who sign a petition supporting freedom of speech and gun rights. How dare he! According to Ocasio-Cortez, Musk is just dangling money in front of struggling Americans like they’re circus animals performing tricks. It’s laughable. Here’s a guy trying to get more people involved in democracy, and somehow, that’s offensive to the Left.
AOC ranted about how Musk and Trump are “not trying to empathize with us” but are instead “making fun of us.” You can almost hear the eye-roll from regular Americans who don’t need a socialist lawmaker explaining what real empathy looks like. Trump serving McDonald’s to his supporters is somehow a slap in the face to fast food workers, according to AOC. In reality, it’s a clear jab at Harris’ far-fetched claim that she worked at McDonald’s—a job that suspiciously never appeared in any of her memoirs. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good narrative, right?
The media had a field day with Trump’s McDonald’s visit, as they always do. MSNBC panelists were beside themselves trying to figure out the “logic” behind Trump’s campaign stop. Meanwhile, Newsweek’s Khaleda Rahman wrote a hit piece about how the McDonald’s Trump worked at had failed a health inspection, because of course, that’s what’s important here.
And let’s not forget Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, who showed up on “The View” to whine about how Trump’s fast food stunt was “disrespectful” to minimum-wage workers. Disrespectful? This is the same guy whose party’s policies are destroying small businesses across America, but sure, let’s pretend that serving fries for a day is the real issue.
The New York Times, never one to miss an opportunity to carry water for the Democrats, took Trump to task for daring to question Harris’ McDonald’s claims. The paper offered no actual proof that Harris ever worked at McDonald’s—because there isn’t any—but somehow, Trump was still in the wrong for doubting her story. The Times called it “burgerism,” a lame attempt to equate Trump’s skepticism with his old “birther” allegations. Nice try, but it’s not fooling anyone.
At the end of the day, this whole episode shows just how terrified the Left is of Trump and Musk. They’re so rattled that they’ll turn a harmless McDonald’s stop and a voter turnout drive into some kind of evil plot against the working class. Trump is out there connecting with regular people, while Musk is using his money to boost voter engagement. Meanwhile, the Democrats are stuck spinning fairy tales and hoping no one notices.
Trump and Musk are clearly doing something right if they’ve got AOC, Harris, and the media in a frenzy. Maybe instead of criticizing them, the Left should take notes.