The CIA has fallen under so much suspicion in the wake of the Donald Trump assassination attempt that the agency has issued a rare public statement. A spokesperson told Gizmodo that the CIA has never had any relationship with Thomas Crooks and that it certainly didn’t ever run him through the agency’s MK-ULTRA mind control program for creating assassins. Take that, internet!
The federal government has done such a poor job at disseminating any information into the investigation of Crooks that the public is left to make up its own mind about what happened. Many people believe that Crooks was acting with the help of the intel agencies. How else could he have possibly outwitted local, state, and federal Secret Service protection agents to get a rifle within 130 yards of President Trump?
The CIA even went so far as to claim that the MK-ULTRA program was shut down more than 40 years ago, which no one believes. The spokesperson noted that the declassified information on MK-ULTRA is available on the CIA’s website.
What they neglected to mention was that the CIA burned 99% of its MK-ULTRA files when they got caught committing horrific experiments on unwitting Americans and Canadians. The remaining 1% of declassified stuff is mostly redacted, but it will still curl your toes to read it.
We already know from his phone GPS records that Thomas Crooks took a random trip to Washington, DC, in 2023 and parked two blocks from FBI Headquarters. We also know that he did his firearms training at the same Pennsylvania gun range where the DHS trains all its East Coast agents. This kid couldn’t get more obvious if he tattooed the word “Glowie” across his forehead.
What do you think? Is the CIA protesting a little too much about its lack of involvement with Thomas Crooks?