Just two weeks after Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to assassinate Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, PA, an Idaho man made a slough of phone calls threatening to murder the former and future president. The Secret Service says that Warren Jones Crazybull of Bonner County, ID, made at least nine threatening phone calls to Mar a Lago on July 31. He was taken into custody the next day.
“Find Trump… I am coming down to Bedminster tomorrow. I am going to down him personally and kill him,” Crazybull said on one recorded phone call.
In addition to the phone calls, it appears that Crazybull had a Facebook page where he ranted and raved about Trump as well. Facebook has since taken the page down, but not before multiple people were able to take screenshots and note some of the contents.
Crazybull, who is Native American, has a history mental illness. On his Facebook page, he alleged that Trump was in cahoots with John F. Kennedy and had broken multiple treaties with various Native tribes. He said he wanted to engage Trump in “single combat” to avenge those broken treaties.
The guy seems to be a nutjob and probably never represented a real threat Trump. The Secret Service needs to publicly make an example of someone, though, especially after all their spectacular failures this summer.
Crazybull has been charged with one count of making threats against a former president, which carries a prison sentence of up to five years. Unlike the January 6 peaceful protesters, who have to languish for months or even years before going to trial, Crazybull will be given a speedy trial. He’s pleaded not guilty, and his trial starts in federal court on October 28.