Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony to Celebrate Immigrants by Mocking the French People

Hethers /
Hethers /

The French people have been insulted and demoralized for years by their political leaders, who flooded the once beautiful country with hordes of immigrants. The insults are about to get worse. Paris is hosting the 2024 Olympics starting this week. Organizers of the opening ceremonies say that the event will mock the French people while praising immigrants.

The opening ceremony is allegedly going to highlight all the positive aspects of mass immigration. That should be interesting since no one can articulate how mass immigration is supposed to be good for any country.

The organizers also plan to play up the values of multiculturalism and diversity. Which, again, are nonexistent. The other side of the coin is that the ceremony will make fun of the stupid, baguette-eating white French people.

France, meanwhile, has been destroyed by mass immigration. If you’ve always wanted to visit Paris, the so-called “City of Love,” you might want to do some deep research before buying your plane tickets or booking a hotel. The city is gross.

It’s packed with foreigners, mainly African, who don’t speak any French or English. There’s litter and garbage everywhere. Crime is rampant. The air smells like pee and armpits.

France is paying nearly $10 billion to host the Olympics this year. The best idea that they can come up with for the opening ceremonies is, “Let’s insult white people even more!”

If you don’t believe us about how gross Paris has become due to mass immigration, check out this video report: