Poll Proves Replacing Biden Will Only Make Things Worse for Dems

Andy.LIU / shutterstock.com
Andy.LIU / shutterstock.com

As November 2024 gets closer by the second, Democrats everywhere are realizing that Joe Biden might not be their best bet. Then again, he just might be, and that’s not saying much.

As you might have heard, there are rumors that the Democratic Party is growing tired of Biden – and for good reason. I mean, the octogenarian can hardly climb a short set of stairs, let alone complete a comprehensive sentence or remember when his own son died.

Combine that with a plate full of federal policies that have nothing but make him and the entire left side of the aisle less popular with the voting public, and you have a recipe for disaster. Even left-leaning pollsters and media outlets have had to recently admit that the “worst president ever,” aka Donald Trump, is more popular than Biden in just about every state.

So the idea is that maybe Biden should be replaced, at the last minute, of course, so there isn’t much the people can say about it.

But at least one poll is proving that this is an even worse idea.

According to a recent poll by Emerson College/The Hill, voters in Georgia (a known battleground state) Trump is preferred to every Democrat the party can think of.

Naturally, the poll asks about a general election between Trump and Biden. Trump wins with a hypothetical 48 percent to 42 percent, with 11 percent undecided.

Now, let’s sub out Biden for someone younger, potentially with the ability to complete sentences and actually do the job at hand.

First up is Vice President Kamala Harris. But Trump leads her 51 to 41 percent, with only eight percent undecided.

Now, you’d think, since Harris is about the worst VP ever, not to mention she has lower approval ratings than Biden, she’d rank as the lowest.

Not so.

Enter the liberal golden boy from the Golden State, Governor Gavin Newsom of California.

When placed against Trump in an election, Georgia voters again chose Trump, 51 percent to 32 percent. This time, 17 percent is undecided, though.

In any case, this doesn’t exactly provide much hope for the Democratic Party come November, does it?