‘Welcome to Washington’ Says Joe Biden as He Greets World Leaders in Manhattan

Every American should be furious by now that Joe Biden is still sitting in the White House. His cognitive decline has been happening even more rapidly since his career-ending debate against Donald Trump back in June. At every public appearance that he makes—and there aren’t many of those—Biden commits terrible gaffes and seems to barely know where he is, what he’s doing, or who various people are.

For example, world leaders gathering in Manhattan for a UN summit this week. Biden greeted them from a stage that had big signs on it that said, “New York, NY.”

“Welcome to Washington,” said the laughingstock of the entire world from the podium.

During a later gun control event back in Washington, DC, Biden gave a meandering speech on gun control in front of a group of policy wonks. Biden was signing legislation to create new gun control task forces.

He started screaming and banging his fist on the podium. He referred to Kamala Harris as his “boss.” He referred to Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate as “Secretary JD Vance.” Biden then made an outlandish claim that must have confused everyone in the room.

“I’ve been to all but three mass shootings in the United States of America,” said Biden.

What? We realize that Joe Biden is incredibly old, but even the people who write his speeches for the teleprompter must know that mass shootings have been a thing for a lot longer than Biden has been alive. Have these people never heard of the 19th century?

It’s infuriating because no one will tell the American people the name of the person who is running the Executive branch of the United States government.

It’s definitely not Joe Biden. Check out this hot mess: