Sacramento, CA, police are used to being called out on some extreme cases. Given the level of craziness that has infiltrated this liberal state, they always show up prepared for everything to happen. In this instance, 12 protestors had taken over the Sacramento City Council. As first reported by KCRA 3, they were demanding a resolution be passed to condemn the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Taking multiple recesses from the shouting and commotion of the protestors as well as some severely heated discussions, they finally passed a resolution after midnight by a vote of 6-1. Calling for an “immediate and permanent bilateral” ceasefire and the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip, it was there that things turned. Adding to the list as liberals do, they also demand a change in Israeli and Palestinian leadership, a never-ending flow of direct aid to Gaza, and the cherry on top, the release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israel “without charges or trial.”
Arrested after being told multiple times to stop disrupting proceedings, the 12 who stayed got new bracelets for “unlawful assembly and failing to disperse and were booked at the Sacramento County Jail,” per a Sacramento PD statement.
The lone vote against the measure was cast by Lisa Kaplan. Despite trying to be the voice of reason throughout this, she found herself being ignored. As CBS News reported, “It is best when we stand together as leaders in Sacramento and focus on issues that we can control and not on conflict in the Middle East for which this resolution will have no impact.”
Amazingly, CA still has some politicians who understand why they are there and want to make the right decisions, even when it’s simply easier to just blindly agree with the liberals. Thank God for people like Lisa Kaplan, who knows how bad it could get without those of her caliber.