Leftwing researchers have published a report showing that public schools spent $3.2 billion in taxpayer money in 2023 just to fight with parents. The parents are upset that schools are now indoctrinating their kids in racial hatred against whites and pornographic homosexual and transgender propaganda. The report that the researchers released indicates that public schools are the real victims of this situation.
The report the researchers released is titled, “The Costs of Conflict: The Fiscal Impact of Culturally Divisive Conflict on Public Schools in the United States.” It characterizes public school administrators and educators as innocent victims fighting off the unhinged attacks of parents.
The parents and taxpayers who should have the ultimate say over public school curriculum are demonized in the report as “activists” and “extremists.” The parents’ concerns are all dismissed in the report as “misinformation” and “disinformation.”
Here are some of the parental actions that the report describes as evil and wrong:
Talk about the tail wagging the dog! These administrators want total control to indoctrinate kids in woke ideology while facing no accountability from the parents whose tax dollars pay their salaries.
Parents have every right to be upset about the political garbage that school districts are indoctrinating their children with. They’re the ones paying for the schools. The school districts are turning around and spending gobs of taxpayer money to fight against the parents’ wishes.
As far as the $3.2 billion price tag is concerned, that’s an easy problem for school boards to solve. Just take the money out of bloated administrator salaries.