The White House has been forced to resort to yet another method of deceiving the voters into thinking that Joe Biden is not a decrepit old dementia potato. Under the new routine, Biden no longer walks across the White House lawn by himself to board Marine One. He now has multiple “walkers” accompany him, who station themselves between Biden and the media cameras covering him.
Biden’s handlers have already resorted to having him wear non-slip boat shoes for boarding Air Force One to help prevent him from falling down. He’s also undergoing physical therapy to try to restore his balance, which is failing as the dementia ravages his mind.
The White House is also stage managing the rare occasions when they pretend to allow Joe Biden to have press conferences. Biden has notecards with reporters’ names on them, the exact questions that they are allowed to ask him, and what his responses to those questions are. It’s easier than juicing him to the gills with barbiturates and amphetamines.
The hide-the-old-man’s-decrepit-dementia-shuffle routine is a new one for the White House, however. When the word leaked that they had assigned walkers to walk across the lawn with Biden, news outlet Axios went back to check the tapes and see when this started.
Sure enough, in March, Joe Biden clumsily shuffled across the lawn to Marine One five times, and each time he was either alone or accompanied by a family member. Since April 16, Biden has been accompanied by walkers on nine of his ten perilous trips across the lawn.
Here’s just one example of how the White House is now using surrogate walkers to help hide Joe Biden’s decrepitude from the voters:
Can't Make It Up: The President of the United States has been assigned “walkers.”
You heard that right. The man that has access to nuke codes now requires aides to escort him across a lawn.
These handlers now walk between Biden and the pool cameras, "to draw less attention to… pic.twitter.com/RO81Dvufb6
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) April 26, 2024