
Igor Link / shutterstock.com

NFL’s Latest Pivot Away From Head Trauma Ruffles a Lot of Feathers

Hard-nose football aficionados have been losing their minds with the changes to the rules for the National Football League in the last few years....

Global Warming: A Big Issue or a Big Hoax?

Global warming is something many claim is real, and that we have to act fast in order to save our planet. Or is it just...
Africa Studio / shutterstock.com

Tennessee Teachers Get Cleared To Be Armed in Class

With a roar of protest from outraged liberals in attendance, the Tennessee House of Representatives increased the safety in their schools. Passing a bill...

Biden Seeks Votes By Weighing Amnesty for 1 Million Illegal Spouses in the US 

Once again seeking to buy votes ahead of the 2024 election, Biden seems to be weighing “deportation relief” for illegal immigrants who married Americans....

Biden’s Back at It: Free Community College for All, or Just Hot Air?

When President Joe Biden unveiled his Plan B for student loan forgiveness, he also dusted off his old favorite: the promise of free community...
HBRH / shutterstock.com

School Board Shamed for Teenage Trans Student Who Savagely Beat Younger Girl

It’s always a shame to see the school system failing left and right, but when it causes serious physical harm to a student, it...
sitthiphong / shutterstock.com

Speaker Mike Johnson Believes White Privilege is Real and We Need Systemic Change

A few months ago, very few Republican voters would have believed that we would miss having Kevin McCarthy as the Speaker of the House....
xalien / shutterstock.com

NBC Claims Russia and the Saudis Are Inflating Gas Prices To Make Trump Look...

Watching the mainstream media twist and contort every stance they can find to fit a pro-Biden agenda since he started running against Trump in...
Nejron Photo / shutterstock.com

Canada Arrests Most of the Group Behind Nation’s Largest Gold Robbery

Moving in silence for a year, Canadian authorities arrested six of the masterminds behind Canada’s biggest gold heist ever on April 17th. With warrants...
Syndi Pilar / shutterstock.com

1,300 African Migrants Showed at City Hall After Being Duped on a Promise

According to a piece from the New York Post on April 16th, a massive rush was made, with only a fraction of the mob...